Friday 12 February 2010

Week three in SA..

Week three has now past and I can’t believe I’m here and having a fabulous time. Before I start I need to ensure that I proof read as my dad has told me off…I’ve so much to say and don’t have the time. I’m a busy woman in South Africa.

On Friday, I was so tired, the 8:30am class everyday is definitely not easy for me but I’m getting used to them. People who know me will understand that I need 12 hours sleep most nights to be able to function!! I’m in class everyday from 8:30am until at least 12 so my days are busy. We actually have so much work to do after class.
I’ve now been here two weeks and yet to do any washing of my clothes so this was a priority. I live across the road from the laundry place and they do everything for you so it’s like having my mum here. I also did some shopping as I’ve said before the food here is great! I seem to eat all the time! So after a busy week of class, doing household chores and socialising what better to relax than head to the pool. There is a pool a five minute walk from the Bantry so of course it’s going to be used by us. After catching some rays, we went out for dinner. There was Hege and Stine the two Norway girls, Marco a German and Ben an American. Was a lovely evening with great food! Of course I’m talking about food again. I couldn’t finish my meal so Marco finished it up for me…I hate to see food go to waste…I had an early night as I had an exciting day on Saturday- Aldo Elephant Park!

At 8:00am we were picked up by Leslie, his wife and the rest of the trainee teachers. Today was a hot day.!!! Was too hot for me. The entrance fee into the park was only 30 rand, this is about £3 so was a cheap day. The elephant park is a big reserve park so we drove around looking for elephants. If someone thought they seen one, Les would slam on the brakes so we wouldn’t miss anything. We had a few false alarms. We were told that the elephants were at the water hole so we travelled there. There was about 100 elephants here relaxing by the water, cooling themselves down. I would have loved to been able to cool myself down. For lunch we had a ‘Braai’ and caught up on everyone’s week. I really enjoy the American’s company, we all have something in common- teaching! It was definitely an enjoyable day had by all.

Sunday was a relaxing day by the beach, we were able to sunbathe on the beach as today was not windy. Happy days!! Sundays are a day to relax and reflect on the past week. Needed an early night as I had class in the morning, I’m being a good role model!

Class was also good this week, I still meeting new people and getting to know people better. I haven’t got lost this week which I’m happy about. We have our second assignment due on Monday (15th Feb) so we were told how to complete this. They definitely have it hard here with regard to school work.

On Tuesday of each week until Easter we have observation in the school which we are attending for teaching practice after Easter. Patrick, a lecturer from NMMU, picked us up at 7:15am. Schools start at 8am so off I headed with my pack lunch to school. I was excited and nervous as we didn’t know anything about the school which Johnny and I were attending. Jason, one of the student teachers also came with us. Patrick informed us that we were going to a township school near the missonvale campus. I have to admit I didn’t think that we would be going to a township school. A township is the poor of South Africa. We drove up to the school, the building looked nice and was kept well. We attended the staff meeting and were introduced to the teaching staff. They clapped for us which was a really nice gesture and made us feel welcome. We were given a teacher each to observe throughout the day. I followed the teacher to the classroom. All the pupils were staring, they probably thought who is the red head girl with pale skin. All the pupils who attend are black and there is only a small amount of white teachers. When I walked into the classroom I didn’t know what to think. The first thing I noticed was there was no posters on the wall and the classroom looked so boring. Back home we have colourful posters to help in the learning. The second thing I noticed was they used a blackboard, no interactive whiteboards here! The class teacher explained that most classes had 47 pupils in, with not enough textbooks and pupil motivation is low. 47 pupils, the biggest class size I’ve had at home is 25 pupils with enough resources and an interactive whiteboard. I was definitely out of my comfort zone. I went to sit down and the teacher told me to get up as she needed to clean the dirt of the chair. Pupils within the school are nice and I’m sure that I will get to know them by the end of teaching practice. The classroom was so hot I nearly fell asleep a few times. By the end of the day I knew that this is definitely going to be challenge. I don’t have the resources available with big class sizes and English is not their first language but I need to think about this experience as a positive, I will need to be creative, to be able to enhance the pupils learning. I look forward to this as I believe it will help me to think outside the box!

The rest of the week was spent chilling with a visit to the movies for about £1.50 to see Amelia, this is about the first lady to fly around the world. Definitely a bad choice!! The popcorn here comes plain and you put your own choice of flavouring. I love the salt and vinegar! Yummm… Still no roommate, won’t be getting one until March..

I hope that everyone back home is keeping good..

Miss you all!

Lots of love

Oh also I passed all my exams from Stranmillis..

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