Sunday 21 February 2010

Surf time..week four..

As I write this, the sun is shinning, I have a cold sprite in my hand and I’m making a good attempt at eating my way through a big bag of cheese supreme Doritos. Yumm.. I can’t believe that I am writing my blog once again and week four is now past. I can’t believe how quickly times goes by. So I will start with great news that I have a visitor coming over 600 miles to visit me. Very excited and all I need to do is persuade my parents to come out. The only problem is they might not want to go home and who would look after Daisy…

This week hasn’t been as busy or maybe it has. It seems more chilled maybe that’s because I’m now learning to surf. I’m a surf babe. On Friday night we had a delicious dinner made by Stine. We decided to chill and relax as we had a big day on Saturday. We had our first surf lesson. At 9:00am, two Norwegians, a German and the Northern Irish set off to catch come waves but on arrival there wasn’t many to catch. We were given a brief introduction on how to catch the waves. Almost immediately we all caught the waves. This was so much fun. Our instructor (a 15 year old boy) then showed us how to stand. I have to admit I thought never after he explained. I could hardy do it on the beach when practising.

Surfing is…paddle paddle paddle…until you catch the wave then left leg, arms and jump up all when your have caught the wave. It’s definitely easier said than done. After a few attempts Marco the German was the first to stand therefore winning our bet. Stine stood next and after a strap change over I stood. It might only have been a matter of seconds but I still stood. I think that I get so excited about standing that I forget that I need to steady myself and the surf board. I love it and we planned out next lesson for Sunday. It’s such a great feeling being able to surf. Cruising waves! The rest of Saturday was spent at the local pool, it was too windy for the beach. It was great relaxing and chatting with Marco and Stine. Marco is here to learn English. I taught him to say bless you when someone snizzes. Manners is very important! We had a ‘braai’ on Saturday and of course I was in charge of the potatoes. They were so tasty. Yum. We also had marshmallows for after. They were also yum. Saturday was spend dancing the night away but needed to ensure that I was ready for my surf lesson on Sunday.

Sunday arrived and could hardly get out of bed, my body was so sore. I wondered what had happened but then I realised it probably was the surfing and never using the muscles before. I definitely didn’t feel like a surf babe on Sunday; I couldn’t even cough without pain! The waves were even worse today, it was so calm but we were able to catch a couple. I actually forgot to stand up and surfed on my knees. I think I will buy a surf board but not sure how I would get it home. I can hardly carry my own suitcase let alone a surf board. Sunday was a chilling day with a stroll around the market and a coffee at Tiffanys over looking the sea. On Sunday night I felt my skin burning. I now have a farmer’s tan and two brown/red patches on the back of my legs. My new nickname should be patch. I must remember to apply all over and evenly.

Classes are going good, I’ve now handed in my second assignment. This was based on the philosophy of teaching and learning. I feel within my PGCE class that they discuss racism often. This is similuar to Northern Ireland although the conflict is over people want to express their views on the issue.

Tuesday arrived and I have to admit I’m not sure about the school we have been placed. We have to leave the Bantry at 6:15am to catch a bus 6:45am to the school. This is defiantly a low point for me and anyone who knows me well will tell you that me + early mornings+ teaching practice do not mix well. Within this school, the main language is Xhonsa which I don’t understand. I got to see three teachers teaching all having their own individual way to teach. I asked one teacher why there was no posters and she told me that they steal them. I found this very upsetting as this is a place where the children can come and learn in a colourful classroom. I need to stay motivated as I understand the challenge ahead. I want to learn from this experience. As I’ve said before I’m out of my comfort zone.

Thursday finishes this blog well. After a couple of hours in University, I met Stine at the beach where we had a gossip and caught some sun. It was beautiful, the beaches were white and the water was clear. If Stine and I hadn’t been gossiping we would have noticed dolphins in the water. Yes we missed the Dolphins in the water.. Oh well we are now on the look out.

Love from Jayne xxxxxx

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