Thursday 25 February 2010

Hello week 5!

One thing I’ve come to love in South Africa is the sunshine! I love it here! Although as I write this, it’s raining, it’s been raining most of this week so no sunning myself this week. I love the way of life here, people are relaxed although sometimes they are too relaxed. This week has been a very relaxing week and I now feel that I’m living in South Africa rather than being here on a holiday. Yes it has taken a month to realise I’m here to study.

Before I start I want to a section to my beautiful niece Naiv who turned one this week. If only she could read, she would see she has got a special mention. Happy Birthday Niav!

This week’s blog starts of with my first day off since I’ve started university. I had Friday off which was great, a long weekend! Stine and I went to the local mall called Green arches. Since I’ve been here I’ve been to the mall five times, I love to shop. It was such a girly day. Clothes here are cheap so I take full advantage off this. I want to contribute as much money to the South African economy. What an excuse. I purchased clothes here for school
and also bought some essentials. Ok maybe not an essential but a want!
On Saturday we had another surf lesson. I love the surfing but on Saturday it was hard. The waves didn’t have much of a break between. An hour and a half in the cold water with waves crashing against me I thought I have actually paid for this! I still love it and want to purchase my own surf board to take it up as a hobby. My main concern would be how to get it home. I would have a suitcase, a laptop, a handbag, a hand luggage bag and a surf board. Sounds fun! Anyways when I reflected on the surfing experience I realised that it was funny when Stine and I got so cross. It’s fun. Saturday resulted in a cut foot, bruised arm, blisters on my hands and a friction burn on my neck which looks like a love bite. None of the others had injuries. Any one who knows me will understand this is always the story. Saturday night was spent having a meal at the boardwalk and spending a great evening with people from all over the world. The rest of this week has been very quiet.

On Tuesday we had our observation so I was up 5:45am. The area which the school is located is within a township like I’ve said before. When we got off the bus, a security man approached us; he admitted that he was worried to see three white people walking into a township. This is a dangerous area therefore we need to be aware of our surroundings. You give you a better idea of the school the website is . The school is provided with funding to be able to run the website. Through looking at the website and being there in reality things are very different. Within South Africa, the better schools are fee paying therefore people who live in the township can’t afford these fees therefore depend on the government and their funding. Comparing this school to Northern Ireland and the excellent facilities which we have, it makes me sad that the pupils are taught in this. Within Northern Ireland we don’t realise how lucky we are with regard to education. We have enough textbooks for all pupils, interactive whiteboards and toilet roll. Yes within this school there isn’t any. How does a government justify this. Children are the future and the government need to invest money into providing an educational system which is fair to all! I am annoyed with the condition of the school as you will see from the photos. These pupils do not deserve this, nor does the teaching staff. The teaching staff are all very friendly within the school. The teacher who I have observed is called Nomsa Sikhunxa. She doesn’t understand me so I write her notes. If the teacher doesn’t understand my thick Northern Irish accent how would the pupils! When I showed a friend pictures of the school, he described is like a prison!

When returning from school we get a taxi bus which drives through the township which is called Zwide. This is interesting to witness although some of the houses are in terrible condition. I thing I noticed is the houses are within a community and being part of the community is important to these people. They have shops, surgery’s and even a grave yard. There is a township tour which I definitely want to see. Coming from a nice house, having anything I want and a loving family I forget that not everyone is as lucky as me. When I think of a township and what I have back home I wonder to myself it’s not about what you have but it’s about your family, friends and your community so to all my family and friends I love you guys. Corny I know but it’s true!

I’m trying to cut on my blog, I don’t think they are supposed to be as long but once I start I can’t stop. Making a proper dinner tonight so I must go!

Love and kisses

Jayne xxx

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