Tuesday 2 February 2010

Hey everyone, I have finally arrived in Port Elizabeth in one piece. It took me 22 hours and over 6000 miles with many security checks in between but it certainly has been worth it. I left the George Best Airport on the 20th of January at 5.10pm I embarked on a very long journey to South Africa which will change me as a person. On my arrival to Port Elizabeth after three flights, the sun was shining and I was certainly felt at home. In October Leslie Meiring, a lecturer from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) visited Northern Ireland. He kindly offered to meet us at the airport. Thank fully he did as no one turned up to collect us. The driver eventually turned up after Les making a few phone calls for us. He was taking his time and I that is one thing I have learned since being here. People are relaxed and enjoy life. A saying used here is ‘now now’ which means anytime soon.

We drove around Port Elizabeth and I have to admit it looked like a holiday destination but one thing I noticed was the wind. Port Elizabeth is known as the windy city and it certainly is windy.

We reached our home for next three months which is called the Bantry. This building lives all international students. There are students from America, Germany, Norway and of course Northern Ireland.

My room has two spacious bedrooms, kitchen, living room and a bathroom. The best thing about the Bantry is the sea view. Yes I can see the sea from my bedroom. And the best thing about Port Elizabeth is the sea. It has beautiful coast line and even if the sun is not shining it is still beautiful. I have to admit that the first few days I found it very hard to settle especially as I have the flat to myself. I miss the company but I have met so many people. The first weekend was spent relaxing, getting things for the flat. I enjoy having my home comforts and having no bedding does not suit me. And also I didn’t realise that buying bedding is stressful. Fitted, flat, small, king and queen are new words to me in the bedding world. We also went to the beach, the water was too cold for me, and I enjoy relaxing in the sun.

On Monday (25th Jan) was orientation so all international students got a campus tour. There are two campuses at the NMMU and are very big compared to Stranmillis College. I am hoping that all my lectures are within the same building or I’m sure I will defiantly be late for class by the time I find my way. I look forward to being part of a large group of people. There are people studying from all parts of the world. I hope to engage so I will become more diverse. We had registration on Thursday, this is stressful at any university and I hope to get it sorted soon. NMMU is build on a nature reverse and yes that means that monkeys run around stealing your food. I was glad to have my camera with me and here are the photos to prove it. We were told be careful when eating on the grass etc as they will steal out food! It will be strange going back to Stranmillis with no monkeys running around.

Although I am over 6000 miles from home there is some things which are similar such as they drive on the left, everyone knows how to speck English and the food is very similar. I have found bread and jam which I love and also to my surprise the fanta orange tastes great here. The Americans say the Irish and their Orange Soda! One different is the taxis used here. There are small minibuses which cost 60pence for any distance. Within these minibuses they fit 16 people but I sometimes think less would be safer. I didn’t realise you passed your money to the driver and on my first experience I didn’t pay and they starting shouting at me. When you want the bus to stop, you have to shout BUS STOP. With my accent everyone looks at me.

So within my first week I have had certainly have had highs and lows with more highs than lows. It’s strange being in a new country, only knowing one person but personally its benefiting me. I am out of my comfort zone! Most things are cheap apart from the internet hence the lack of my blog and face book within the first week. This will hopefully not be a problem anymore as I am getting the internet ‘now now’.

On Thursday (25th) I had a PGCE camp, this was exciting as we got to meet our class and there is a large number of people compared to our small classes back home. One thing I realised is my fellow students will help understand terms used here. During this camp I met fellow international students who are trainee teachers, I love it as I get to talk about the stresses of being a student teacher! My fellow trainee teachers will understand this. Within the PGCE course which I am doing there are three international students.

So within my first week I have learned the foundation of South African education. There are a number of different types of education such a public, private, home schooling and catholic schools. This is similar to home but within South Africa schools which have a high standard have fees unlike home where all schools have a good standard. Corporate punishment was only banned since 1996 and this surprised me as I would have been at school and punishments were still being carried out. There is now a total ban which I am glad. Within my class I have a diverse range of races and as a whole country South Africa is made up of a range of people. Within South Africa head scarf’s can not be banned from schools if worn for a religious reason unlike France. One of many new words which I have learned is the term Apardtheid which is cultural hate which was once a problem in South Africa where black people were not treated the same as whites. Another word is Bantu which is a term once used to describe black people. This is not used and the terms used are white and non white. There are a number of terms which I will need to learn. I look forward to comparing both Northern Ireland and South Africa education.

I look forward to a new week in South Africa

Lots of love

p.s. I have photos to upload but didn't save them coreectly...:o


  1. hi jayne read yor blogg very good and interesting glad you having a good time just a few spelling mistkes which your dad pointed out your dad wrote this. haha. do you not think i am learning very quick.(mum) every one is well at home and asking about you. hope you not spending to much money for i want a new laptop for my birthday make sure you bring yours home.

    lots of love mum and dad xxxx

  2. hey babz awww love you blog think its amazin especially with the picture of you, you look so beautiful. awww you seem to be havin a blast and am really happy your settlin in better now. awww hope you don't have a baby elephant in your bag when your comin home. i know you by now lamont you'd try anythin.lol. awww well keep you writin away so we al can keep up to date with what your doin.

    Love you loads Aaron xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
