Tuesday 4 May 2010

Week 10- Easter week

I believe according to my boyfriend that I have fallen behind on my blog so I need to keep this more updated. I am now a few weeks between but I will write a blog for each week. I now have lots of free time.

This blog is from the 29th March until the 10th April. This is when we got off for Easter and had lots of fun! On Tuesday was a very special day, it was my 21st birthday. This is not only me becoming an adult (although I am already an adult) but the arrival of my Boyfriend Aaron. On Monday I had class and started to become very nervous when Aaron left Belfast, coming to South Africa is certainly a challenge and with Aaron never having travelled on his own I was on edge. I continually got an update of flights etc. Everything was going well so I got ready for a busy couple of weeks. On the Monday I received 4 birthday cards which was brilliant as I was able to open them on the morning of my birthday. Thank you goes to my parents, Gary in Holland, Hannah and Becky in Denmark and my aunt Berta in Larne. Was very good planning.

On Tuesday I got up and felt a mixture of emotions, it was my first birthday away from home but I had a mini family here. When I went to leave the bantry I had a present on my door, another as a left and a few birthday wishes. I certainly felt loved. Aaron arrived safe and well which I was certainly happy about. He seemed very excited to have arrived in South Africa. One of the first things which Aaron saw was a township. He was certainly surprised to see the conditions of some. We drove to the Bantry and he was getting the ‘low down’ on Port Elizabeth and the people which I have met. I made a quick phone call to my mum which was great to get chatting to her. Although I wasn’t at home for my birthday, I felt like I was at home. When I returned to my flat, Aaron had items from home, banner and balloons. I cried as I was so happy. I got a newspaper, sweets and a new outfit so thank you Aaron and also to mum and dad. I loved it!! Also to my surprise I received 20 birthday cards from home which was a highlight. Thank you everyone, it certainly made my 21st special.

The rest of my day was fantastic, people wished my birthday wishes, sang happy birthday in a number of languages and we had a fabulous meal that evening. I got brownies, a birthday cake and salt and vinegar crisps. So I would like to thank everyone who made my birthday special. What a way to spend your birthday- in South Africa with great people…

The next 9 nines was certainly a busy. We were off on a road trip to Cape Town with a few stops along the famous garden route- route 62. Aaron and I purchased a map and set off on the N2. We decided to have two stops on the way there and two on the way back. We chilled but also done fun activities. Cango caves was certainly different. We had to squeeze through small spaces within the caves. At some stages I needed to turn to the side to get through. We stopped at a random waterfall, went to a festival and seen beautiful landscapes. Also I nearly forgot but I slept in a tent. We were lying in a tent looking at the southern hemisphere stars. Was magical! This all happened within two stops.

We arrived in Cape Town safe and well and spent 5 days exploring this wonderful city. We had a disappointed as Robben Island was closed. We shopped, ate great food, visited the aquarium, boat trip, township tour, cape of good hope, visited small towns outside cape town and of course we went to table Mountain. We were so lucky we had the chance as it was the day we left when there was no wind. It certainly was a highlight over looking Cape Town. I’m sure you will agree from the photos. Cape Town has been a highlight of my trip here. Thank you Aaron.

On our way back we went to the most southern tip of Africa and watched the sun set. At this small village, it’s where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. This was certainly a beautiful moment. The thing I liked most about this small village in the most southern tip of Africa was there was an Irish pub. Yes an Irish pub in the most southern tip of Africa. We were treated like royalty and one of the owners was from Ireland. The bar became empty and we started to have discussions about South Africa as a country. Aaron and I were in South Africa when history was happening.

Eugène Ney Terre'Blanche was a South African political leader. An Afrikaner, he was a former member of South Africa's Herstigte Nasionale Party who founded the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (or AWB) during the apartheid era. He was beaten two death by two black farm workers. One was only aged 15.
This political leader is similar to some of our political leaders who have committed crimes. Some people followed his party while others didn’t. This is very similar to home. If someone killed a political leader at home tensions who rise, people would become would angry. South Africa is now facing this just as they are about the host the World Cup. People don’t know what is happening and how people are feeling towards eachother. Looking through the various newspapers I read ‘South African President Jacob Zuma, who followed up an overnight statement with a televised address called for calm and for "responsible leadership" following the murder, describing it as a "terrible deed"; and described the murder as "cowardly". The government wants to keep tensions low and discussing it with South Africans believe that this could start the racial war again’.

Also this couple were telling about life in south Africa.
Random facts-
· Their kitchen staff get paid 6 rand per hour..50pence an hour
· Their bar staff get paid 15 rand per hour…£1.50 per hour but can make money through tips that is why tipping here is very important..
· This is normal for South Africa
· Cars are very expensive here..
· They would never take a combo (taxi’s) which I take on a regular basis..
· Had respect that I was going into a township school to teach. The told me that they would never go into a township because they fear their own Safety. I disagree with this as I wrote this blog when I was in school and feel very safe and part of the school.

Lots of love

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